We made all arrangements of Cardiologists Conference (Vascular Interventions 2004),held in Grand Hyatt Hotel, Cairo from 30 Oct. till 3 Nov.2004.
The conference is dedicated to the advancement if interventional Cariology it's the most advanced program of its kind in South East Asia. 427 Doctors and their families participated in this conference from:India, Singapore, Srilanka, Bangladesh, China, South Africa, Pakistan. Top French & US Doctors participated as course directors: Dr.Alain Chevilier, Dr.Grube, Dr. Shawl, Dr.Marc Silvistri, Dr.Clau Martini, Dr. Gurfinkle and Dr.Carlo De Mario.
Letter of Recommendation:
Dear Mr Zekri,
Having returned to Bombay after the recently held Vascular Interventions - 2004, allow me to hasten to congratulate you for the excellent arrangements made by you and your staff members for making this meeting a flawless success. This was the 5th meeting of this nature, and I must confess that we have had no complaints of any nature from any of the attendees. The arrangements for pick up, drop, accommodation, etc. were excellent and the credit for this certainly goes to your organisation. Both your sons and the other members of your family did exemplary work in looking after our guests without which it would not have been possible to make this meeting such a success.
I do hope we will have opportunities in future to work together.
With best regards,
V. M. Kasim
Interventional Technologies PVT.LTD